When it rains, stormwater flows over the construction site, picking up pollutants like sediment, debris, and chemicals from the loose soil and transporting them to the nearby storm drain system or directly into surface waters like the Boise River. ACHD works with construction site operators to make sure they have the proper stormwater controls in place to protect the storm drain system and the surrounding environment. The goal of the Construction Site Discharge Control program is to minimize the impact of construction generated pollutants on the storm drain system and subsequent environment.
All construction activities that impact ACHD’s right-of-way require a Temporary Highway Use Permit, a designated Responsible Person, and an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan to address construction site stormwater runoff. Each construction activity and location are unique. This diagram will assist you to determine which stormwater plan and additional permitting you need for your project.
ACHD separates dewatering into three permitted categories: Construction Dewatering, General Dewatering, and Utility Vault Dewatering. Construction Dewatering
typically occurs when groundwater must be drawn down by a pump during construction of a building or footing, or when utilities are installed or improved.
This water usually has high turbidity and Best Management Practices are necessary to prevent pollutants from leaving the site.
If your planned work requires construction dewatering into ACHD’s storm drains system, you will need to obtain a Construction Dewatering Permit before any discharge occurs.
Permit applicants must provide ACHD with a site-specific Dewatering Plan for review and approval. If Construction Dewatering continues for longer than 30 days,
analytical monitoring is required for pollutants of concern and turbidity.