In accordance with the Governor's move to allow the state to enter Phase 4 of the staged reopening of the state, the Ada County Highway District will also carefully and conscientiously move into Phase 4.
The majority of ACHD staff members will be returning to the operation on Monday, June 15th. There may be a small number of employees who have situations that will require them to continue to work from home temporarily.
Staff members and guests will continue to be required to wear face masks in public. Social distancing will also continue to be maintained both in the office and out in the field. Staff members have been given proper supplies of PPEs, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes. Sick staff members must stay home.
The ACHD Auditorium remains closed to public meetings including Commission meetings, all of which will continue to be held virtually. This restriction will be re-evaluated by the Director in the future.
Phase 4 will be in effect from June 13th through June 26th.
Shandy Lam
Deputy Director of Communications
Rachel Bjornestad
Public Information Officer
Christy Foltz-Ahlrichs
Sr. Communications Specialist
Emma Bowers
Digital Media Coordinator
ACHD Main Line 208-387-6100
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